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Daniel Winney,男,量子物质研究院
Email: dwinney@scnu.edu.cn
研究方向 (Research Interests)
Main interests are in phenomenology and amplitude analysis for hadron spectroscopy. In particular, the new generation of experimental facilities in the near future give the promise of ushering a new era of spectroscopy. In particular, the US EIC, Chinese EicC, and 22 GeV Jefferson Lab upgrade would all give unprecedented access to heavy systems in photoproduction. To this end, much of my research works aims to provide predictions for photoproduction rates of exotic hadron states of interest. These predictions are being used to benchmark, motivate and identify detector requirements for spectroscopy programs.
教育经历和工作经历 (Education&work)
2012.10 – 2016.06 California State University, San Bernardino, Bachelor in Physics
2016.07 – 2021.07 Indiana University, Bloomington, PhD in Physics
2022.06-now South China Normal University, PostDoc
代表作 (Main Publication)
1.“XYZ spectroscopy at electron-hadron facilities. II. Semi-inclusive processes with pion
exchange” D. Winney, A. Pilloni, V. Mathieu, A. N. Hiller Blin, M. Albaladejo, W. A. Smith, and
A. Szczepaniak, Phys. Rev. D, vol. 106, no. 9, p. 094 009, 2022
2.“XYZ spectroscopy at electron-hadron facilities: Exclusive processes” M. Albaladejo, A. H. Blin, A. Pilloni, D. Winney, C. Fernández-Ramı́rez, V. Mathieu, and
A. Szczepaniak, Phys. Rev. D, vol. 102, p. 114 010, 2020