20230224 钟长春博士学术报告

报告题目:Quantum transduction is enhanced by single mode squeezing operators



报告地点:理六栋302会议室         邀请人:颜辉


  Quantum transduction is an essential ingredient in scaling up distributed quantum architecture and is actively pursued based on various physical platforms. In this talk, I will first briefly introduce the concept of quantum transduction. Then I will discuss our recent approach for transduction, which relaxes the impedance matching condition to half impedance matching condition, and it can be achieved by introducing a two-photon drive in given transducers. We show the transduction channel capacity is enhanced and can be understood in a simple interference picture with the help of Bloch-Messiah decomposition. The parameter regimes with positive quantum capacity are identified and compared with and without the drive, indicating that the parametric drive-induced enhancement is promising in demonstrating quantum state conversion, and is expected to boost the performance of transduction with various physical platforms.


  I graduated as a Ph.D. from the physics department at Purdue University in early 2018. After that, I worked as a postdoc at Yale and UChicago with Liang Jiang. My work focuses on quantum communication, quantum transduction, quantum hybrid systems and the interplay among them in both theoretical and experimental aspects.
