6163银河.net163.am/科研新闻 2018-06-11 00:00:00 来源:张建锋 点击: 收藏本文
报告人: 何浩培 教授 香港中文大学生物医学工程学系
Title: Point-of-care Biodetection based on a “Smartdisk” Approach
Lab-on-a-chip (LoC) is increasing becoming a mainstream platform in modern healthcare and medical industries. In particular, the so-called personalised medicine, which requires the patient to go through a series of screening tests before administering any customised therapy, further increases the demand for fast, efficient, and low-cost LoC bioassay devices. In this presentation, we report a portable wireless LoC system, based on the “SmartDisk” approach, capable of conducting sample-to-answer DNA screening at point-of-care level. Centrifugal forces generated by spinning a sample disc have been conveniently used for the actuation of multiple fluidic samples and reagents in a highly parallel and controllable manner. We have developed a wireless power coupling scheme for driving the active devices in the disc platform. Real-time data transfer is achieved with the use of a wireless communication port. This active smartdisk device is capable of performing a series of sample processing steps, including transfer of samples and reagents between microchambers, cell lysis, temperature cycling for DNA amplification and detection through monitoring of fluorescence, for achieving sample-to-answer bioassays. As demonstration experiments, we report successful screening of drug allergy genetic markers from blood samples and detection of tuberculosis (TB) from sputum
香港中文大学生物醫學工程學系教授, SPIE (国际光学工程学会) 院士,HKIE (香港工程学会) 院士,惠普高级流程工程师 (1994-1996) ,香港城市大学物理与材料科学系助理教授 (1996-2002) ,香港中文大学工程学院副院长 (2007-9) ,香港光学工程学会主席(2010-12),副主席 (2013- ) ,研究领域: 表面等离子体共振生物传感器,芯片实验室和生物光子学,纳米复合半导体材料,发表文章~450篇,中国专利33篇,美国专利6篇。