6163银河.net163.am/学工 2014-11-21 00:00:00 来源:沈强旺 点击: 收藏本文
报告人: 许志芳 博士
University of Pittsburgh 博士后(2013.11-)
University of Tokyo 博士后(2011.11-2013.10)
清华大学 博士后(2009.7-2011.10)
报告题目:Gauge fields in ultracold atoms
时间: 2014年11月24日上午9:30
地点: 大学城理六栋405会议室
报告摘要:Synthetic abelian and non-abelian gauge fields for ultracold atoms have attracted a huge interest. Recent experiments on ultracold atomic gases have made remarkable breakthroughs in realizing synthetic magnetic fields and 1D spin-orbit coupling for neutral atoms. In this talk, I will show you two different schemes on generating gauge fields in spinor quantum gases. First, I will present a general scheme for dynamically creating a 2D Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling for neutral atoms with arbitrary hyperfine spin by using only magnetic-field-gradient pulses. Second, I will show you that a U(1) gauge field can spontaneously emerge in a mixture of spinor Bose-Fermi mixtures loaded into a frustrated triangular optical lattice. The underline mechanism is that Fermi surface nesting at 3/4 filling leads to spontaneous formation of various bosonic spin textures. Most significantly, in one non-coplanar state the mixture is found to exhibit a spontaneous quantum Hall effect in fermions and a finite-momentum condensation in bosons.